Already WELL

We’re here to practice coming home to the wellness and intelligence of our feminine bodies.

Inspired by the laissez-faire approach of the French - we’re about slowing down and finding pleasure in each season and each cycle.

Through daily practice and retreats we simplify the ancient healing wisdom & evidence based science of cyclical living. We remove the obstacles between you and the inherent intelligence within you that maintains health.

After years of hormonal struggles, our founder Emily Deslaurier found relief in cyclical living with the help of her network of holistic wellness professionals. Déjà was born to share the wisdom and support of cyclical self care so more women can live in tune with their true nature.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower life in tune with cyclical nature for generations to come.

“There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.”

- Christopher Morley

Our founder

Emily Deslaurier

Educator • FOUNDER

Yoga and meditation teacher and former elementary school teacher in Victoria BC, Emily is obsessed with bringing people together, saunas, wellness and all things French. With a yoga teacher for a mom, yoga has been part of her life for as long as she can remember. It wasn’t until hormonal acne and severe PMS in her 20s however, that Traditional Chinese Medicine, cyclical living and plant medicine came into the picture. Although Emily acquired a bachelor of Health Education after 5 years in university, she was never taught anything about cyclical living in school. She is on a mission now to share this knowledge so others don’t have to: struggle with hormonal issues, fly to India or spend 10 years searching for a healthy lifestyle on their own! As a big sister it’s a dream to empower other women and young girls to live true to their nature.